Wpmudev has been around for awhile in the wordpress arena. They started out with wordpress plug-ins and a lot of them. They then started pivoting their focus to a select few of the most popular, and then eventually broke into the hosting game.

Their plug-ins are great, we use them with every website we manage. There may be a few odd bugs but that’s with any plugin.

Their security plugin Defender is the only one I will use as it has countless helped me clean up malware infected website ls and even plug the holes that the hackers gained access. With the option to scan core files and plugin files for code changes makes tracking down issues and potential breaches invaluable. The added benefit of being able to block countries definitely helps lock down the website while you’re cleaning and securing the site.

The other plug-ins, hummingbird, smartcrawl, snapshot, forminator, hustle, etc. Are also solid and help keep websites fast, up to date with seo changes, and offer great options for custom forms and popups.

Hosting with wpmudev is fantastic, the offering of a dedicated compartmentalized plan at an affordable price is brilliant. The only affordable option for most businesses and some agencies was always shared hosting servers where your speed and uptime may vary wildly. The biggest advantage they have over even wpengine is the dedicated hosting, if a client or anyone wanted to add a different SSL certificate, if they’re on shared hosting this most of the time isn’t possible. Having dedicated does make this a possibility.

The hub they’ve built for managing websites and integrating all of their plug-ins makes it so unique and great for agencies to quickly see what sites are having issues or alerts for each wpmudev plugin. The staging sites are super simple to set up and work with, the automated plugin updates and page scanner alerts make this time consuming part a breeze. Monthly reports help show all of the backend work the website is doing as this is usually the toughest part to explain when managing a website.

The price is very reasonable and they include all of their premium plug-ins with a hosting plan which you can’t beat.

The last point I want to cover which is the sole reason I am loyal to them over others is their support. This has to be the absolute best support service I’ve every worked with. Super fast response via chat, extremely knowledgeable in all things wordpress, and if you are hosting a website with them and have any issue at all with wordpress just reach out to their support and they will guide you to the issue and how to fix it. This has been great for us to get a second pair of eyes on even client websites that aren’t hosted on their platform, but an odd error came up or the website randomly crashed and were having difficulty restoring and fixing it. They’ve helped review issues and provide additional insights we may have overlooked.

McElligott Digital Marketing

As a leading provider of WordPress tools, support, and hosting services, this trusted resource offers a comprehensive range of solutions for website builders, managers, and hosts. Their premium plugins, automation features and commitment to innovation simplify website development and management processes. With a responsive support team, optimal server performance, and reliability, they provide hassle-free WordPress solutions for individuals and businesses alike.


Wpmudev is a leading provider of WordPress tools, support, and hosting services. With their extensive expertise in WordPress, they have established themselves as a trusted resource for individuals, businesses, and developers in the web development community. Their comprehensive support is one of the key aspects that sets them apart. Wpmudev offers a range of services and solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of website builders, managers, and hosts.

Why Wpmudev is Essential for Website Builders:

Website builders rely on Wpmudev for their robust set of tools, resources, and expertise. Their collection of premium plugins, such as Smush for image optimization, Hummingbird for performance optimization, and Defender for security, simplifies the website development process significantly. These plugins are designed to seamlessly integrate with WordPress, making it easier for website builders to enhance the functionality and user experience of their websites. What sets Wpmudev apart from competitors is their commitment to continuous innovation and staying up-to-date with the latest WordPress trends, ensuring that website builders have access to cutting-edge solutions.

Managing Websites with Wpmudev:

Wpmudev offers a suite of tools and services that make website management a breeze. Their plugins and services streamline various tasks, including updates, backups, security, and performance optimization. By automating these processes, Wpmudev saves website managers considerable time and effort. According to a survey conducted among Wpmudev users, it was found that users experienced an average time saving of 30% in managing their websites. Additionally, Wpmudev’s tools contribute to cost savings by eliminating the need for hiring external services or purchasing multiple plugins from different providers. Their overview hub allows a single person to quickly scan 50 sites within a few minutes, notating which needs further analysis. Also, they added the ability to color code websites to separate managed ones, from just hosting to just needing SEO, and allow you to connect to websites hosted on other servers. Plus, did I mention they offer free website migration services?

Wpmudev’s Top-Notch Support:

Wpmudev is renowned for its top-notch support team. Their support channels, including live chat, forums, and extensive documentation, ensure that users receive prompt assistance whenever they encounter issues or need guidance. The support team comprises WordPress experts who are well-equipped to troubleshoot problems and provide effective solutions. Numerous testimonials and customer reviews highlight the exceptional support provided by Wpmudev, with users expressing satisfaction with the responsiveness and depth of knowledge demonstrated by the support team.

The Value of Wpmudev’s Premium Plugins:

Wpmudev offers an impressive range of premium plugins that cater to various website needs. These plugins are carefully crafted to enhance website functionality and user experience. For instance, their Forminator plugin simplifies the process of creating and managing forms, while their SmartCrawl plugin optimizes websites for search engines. Numerous case studies and data analysis have shown the positive impact of Wpmudev’s premium plugins on website performance. Users have reported significant improvements in page load times, increased conversions, and enhanced user engagement after implementing these plugins.

Unmatched WordPress Hosting by Wpmudev:

Wpmudev’s WordPress hosting services are unparalleled in terms of the benefits they offer. Their hosting infrastructure is designed to provide optimal server performance, reliability, and scalability by compartmentalizing every website into its own dedicated space with dedicated resources. Websites hosted by Wpmudev benefit from faster loading speeds, increased uptime, and seamless scalability to accommodate growing traffic. Moreover, Wpmudev’s hosting plans include the suite of premium plugins, automated backups, robust security measures, and easy WordPress site migration. These advantages make Wpmudev an ideal choice for individuals and businesses seeking reliable and hassle-free WordPress hosting solutions.