
This software had a lot of promise when I first found it, I was an early customer and when I first got into testing it the possibilities and future looked very promising, as this was originally promoted as an alternative to hotjar, but could have been way better. The most intriguing part was this can still be an amazing software to catch bugs or website/app issues before they become a nuisance, as it essentially used AI to scan your websites traffic sessions for typical bug signs, rage clicks, irratic mouse movements, etc. And it would notify you when it found one.

This worked great at first, but then the developer started making a lot of major changes to the backend and adding a ton of restrictions due to someone adding this to a very large traffic site. Ever since then it has never worked the same as it originally had. The session replays aren’t stored for long, it’s running on 3 websites but I only have a small handful of relays to check. It doesn’t notify me anymore of potential bugs, it just hasn’t been reliably useful for our needs which would be a second pair of eyes for the websites we manage. The amount of data it can provide when working is great and very helpful in having a single place to see all errors that popped up during that exact session, in case it isn’t replicatable.

It still has a lot of potential i’m hoping this becomes a useable software for us in the future, as an AI to help us pre-emptively find bugs on our clients websites without them needing to submit a bug report (which noone does) would be a game changer.

McElligott Digital Marketing

Bugpilot.io is an advanced bug tracking and management software that streamlines and enhances the bug tracking process for businesses and development teams. This innovative solution offers a comprehensive set of features for efficient bug reporting, tracking, and resolution. Its centralized platform allows teams to report bugs, assign them, and track progress in real-time, ensuring no issue goes unnoticed. With powerful collaboration tools, team members can communicate, share updates, and discuss bug details seamlessly. The software’s intuitive interface and customization options make it user-friendly and adaptable to unique team requirements. By effectively managing and resolving bugs, Bugpilot.io improves software quality and customer satisfaction, reducing development time and delivering smoother releases.

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Bugpilot.io is an advanced bug-tracking and management software that offers a wide range of benefits and features to streamline and enhance the bug-tracking process for businesses and development teams.

One of the key benefits of this software is its comprehensive set of features for efficient bug reporting, tracking, and resolution. The software provides a centralized platform where teams can report bugs, assign them to team members, and track their progress in real-time. This ensures that no issue goes unnoticed and enables teams to prioritize and address bugs effectively.

Collaboration is made seamless with this software’s powerful collaboration tools. Team members can communicate, share updates, and discuss bug details within the platform, eliminating the need for scattered communication channels. This fosters effective collaboration and ensures that everyone is on the same page throughout the bug-fixing process.

this software also offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for team members to navigate and utilize its robust features. The software allows for easy customization, enabling teams to tailor the bug-tracking workflow according to their specific needs. This flexibility ensures that Bugpilot.io adapts to the unique requirements of each development team.

With Bugpilot.io, businesses can effectively manage and resolve bugs, leading to improved software quality and customer satisfaction. By centralizing the bug-tracking process, teams can efficiently identify, prioritize, and resolve issues, reducing the time and effort required for bug fixing. This ultimately results in faster development cycles and smoother releases.

In summary, this software provides a comprehensive and user-friendly bug-tracking and management solution, empowering businesses and development teams to streamline their bug-fixing process, enhance collaboration, and deliver high-quality software to their customers.