
Accelo has been a very helpful CRM for us, we struggled finding a single solution that could easily grow with us. Others worked great at the time (Trello, Monday, etc.) for the amount of clients we had but we quickly out grew. The reason for 4 stars is the software still lacks a bit in automation options, and it struggles with long term tasks that extend past a month (like quarterly or annual tasks etc.).

Where Accelo shines though is in the CRM portion as every client has their own profile, each profile shows their tasks, assets (we use these for login details), current onoging retainers, and a stream. The stream is an ongoing activity list from every task linked to them and if you link your email, any email that is attached to their profile will automatically be added into their stream. You can also create a task directly from the email in Accelo, we also have all of our ad reports sent to Accelo and then assign each to the respective client so we can keep a record in the stream of everyones weekly and monthly reports. The other nice portion is since we work with our own clients and also agencies, we can set a parent company to client profiles so we can keep track of all clients under a single agency easily. This also reflects in the customer portal (with a bit of finegaling) where the agency can log in and see all sub clients in their 1 dashboard and can assign tasks for each one or see open tasks for each.

The one thing that we weren’t a fan of was the lack of flexibility with the onboarding cost. They do give you the option to have them help migrate your data to their platform for a fee, or to handle it yourself for free. Since we were migrating about 60+ clients we opted for the help. The issue though is they priced this based around larger agencies where a lot more people would be involved on calls, but for a small agency like ours where it’s just the 2 of us, we still had to pay the same amount which came to about $1,000/module. A lot of the calls got repetitive since it was designed for larger groups, but that all said the onboarding support was exteremly helpful and it did take a lot of work off our plate with the migration procesWe did mention this to them to maybe have an adjusted price for smaller groups as it wasn’t worth the full amount we paid, but defintiely worth it for big moves.

McElligott Digital Marketing

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Digital marketing agencies are crucial in helping businesses establish their online presence, drive traffic, and achieve their marketing goals. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, these agencies face numerous challenges when it comes to managing tasks efficiently and keeping up with the multitude of tools and platforms involved in their day-to-day operations.

Digital marketing agencies are responsible for executing various client tasks, including social media management, content creation, SEO optimization, paid advertising campaigns, email marketing, and more. Each client has unique requirements, and agencies must carefully track and manage these recurring tasks to ensure consistent delivery and performance.

Moreover, the nature of digital marketing work is dynamic and unpredictable. Agencies often encounter random tasks that emerge unexpectedly during campaigns or projects. These ad-hoc tasks can range from urgent client requests to unforeseen technical issues, and managing them effectively is essential to maintaining client satisfaction and delivering successful outcomes.

However, the challenges faced by digital marketing agencies extend beyond task management alone. With many specialized tools available in the market, agencies often juggle multiple platforms and applications. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, invoicing software, time-tracking tools, project management platforms, email clients, scheduling apps, and onboarding solutions are just some of the tools commonly used by agencies. The use of disparate tools leads to fragmented workflows, lack of integration, and wasted time spent switching between applications.

The Advantages of Accelo for Digital Marketing Agencies

A. Comprehensive Task Management

Accelo offers digital marketing agencies a powerful solution for streamlining their task management process. By centralizing both recurring and random tasks in one platform, Accelo simplifies the entire workflow, ensuring that no task falls through the cracks.

With Accelo, agencies can easily assign tasks to team members, set deadlines, and track progress. This ensures that everyone knows their responsibilities and deadlines, promoting accountability and efficient collaboration. The platform also provides task reminders and notifications, reducing the risk of missed deadlines and ensuring the timely completion of projects.

Furthermore, Accelo’s task management features allow agencies to categorize and prioritize tasks, enabling them to allocate resources effectively and optimize productivity. By having a comprehensive view of all tasks within the platform, agencies can easily identify bottlenecks, allocate resources, and make informed decisions to ensure smooth project execution.

B. Tool Consolidation and Integration

Accelo’s platform combines various essential tools required by digital marketing agencies, eliminating the need to switch between multiple applications. This consolidation of tools brings numerous benefits, including improved efficiency, better collaboration, and reduced time spent on administrative tasks.

With Accelo, agencies can access a unified system that integrates CRM, invoicing, time tracking, project management, email integration, scheduling, and onboarding. This integration enables seamless data flow across different functionalities, eliminating data silos and improving overall workflow efficiency.

For example, integrating CRM and project management allows agencies to manage client information, communication, and project details in one place. This not only streamlines the client onboarding process but also facilitates better client relationship management throughout the project lifecycle.

Moreover, Accelo’s integration with invoicing and time tracking enables agencies to accurately track billable hours, automate invoicing processes, and streamline financial management. By reducing manual data entry and administrative overhead, agencies can allocate more time and resources to client-focused activities, ultimately driving revenue growth.

C. Time and Cost Savings

Accelo has proven to be a valuable asset in helping digital marketing agencies save time and reduce costs. According to a survey conducted by Accelo, agencies reported an average time savings of 42% after implementing the platform.

The platform’s automation capabilities significantly reduce manual administrative tasks, such as data entry, task assignment, and project updates. This automation not only saves time but also minimizes the potential for human error, ensuring accurate and efficient operations.

Accelo’s time tracking feature provides real-time insights into how employees spend their time, allowing agencies to optimize resource allocation and project budgets. By identifying areas of inefficiency or underutilization, agencies can make data-driven decisions to improve productivity and profitability.

Additionally, Accelo’s streamlined billing processes help agencies save significant time on invoicing and financial management. The integration between time tracking and invoicing simplifies the billing process, reduces the risk of billing errors, and accelerates the payment cycle, leading to improved cash flow.

D. Enhanced Client Communication and Satisfaction

Effective client communication is a cornerstone of successful digital marketing agencies, and Accelo facilitates enhanced client collaboration and satisfaction. The platform’s integrated email features enable agencies to communicate with clients directly within the platform, eliminating the need to switch between multiple email clients.

Accelo’s centralized client database ensures that all client information, communication history, and project details are readily accessible. This centralized view enhances client relationship management by providing a holistic understanding of each client’s needs, preferences, and project progress.

Improved response times are another benefit of Accelo’s email integration. With all client-related emails stored within the platform, agencies can quickly search and retrieve information, respond promptly to client inquiries, and ensure timely communication.